
A vaccination schedule helps keep your dog safe from harmful diseases.

Vaccines help prevent dogs from becoming sick and therefore, saves you money. Antibodies are natural defense mechanisms that dogs use to fight infection. Vaccines help dogs to make more of these antibodies. We at North Hill Animal Hospital, vaccinate dogs based on the risk each dog has for picking up a certain disease.

All dogs should be vaccinated against rabies. This protects them and your whole family against this deadly disease. Dogs also need to be vaccinated against the “core” group of disease, which they can get from interacting with other dogs. In addition, some dogs need protection against Leptospirosis and others need protection from kennel cough.

What types of vaccinations do you offer for adult dogs?

Adult dogs are given core vaccines (which include protection against distemper, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and an adenovirus combo vaccine), rabies, leptospirosis, and bordetella.

Is there a schedule for how often to vaccinate a dog?

The Leptospirosis vaccination needs to be given initially, then needs a booster 3-4 weeks after the first injection, and thereafter is needed annually. Bordatella is an annual vaccine and does not require a booster. Pets will need to be vaccinated against rabies annually for 2 years in a row and then will be vaccinated every 3 years. Core vaccines will need 3 initial puppy boosters at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. After having a booster vaccine annually for 3 years in a row, we move to core vaccines given once every 3 years. Leptospirosis vaccination is given twice in the first year and rabies vaccination is given once. Adult dogs receive yearly examinations and vaccines, depending on their risk of exposure to disease.

How much do dog vaccinations cost?

Please give us a call at 905-857-5057 or send us an email to and we would be happy to provide you with a quote.

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