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A Disease We Hardly See Anymore
A Disease We Hardly See Anymore

A Disease We Hardly See Anymore

I have been to different countries with different organizations and have worked with many fantastic people and met some really sweet dogs and cats.

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What's your Cat/Dog's Poop Telling You?
What is your Cat's or Dog's Poop Telling you?

What's your Cat/Dog's Poop Telling You?

Cats and dogs are really good at hiding things from us and because of this it can be a challenge to know when our pets are not feeling well.

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Recognizing the Normal Cat Routines
Recognizing the Normal in Your Cat’s Routine

Recognizing the Normal Cat Routines

Cats are interesting creatures. They either enjoy the touch of their human and are extremely friendly, or they don’t like to be touched at all.

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The Fountain of Youth
The Fountain of Youth

The Fountain of Youth

The Fountain of Youth, that life-enhancing pool of precious water has been talked about, searched for and sold in many ways for the past 2500 years.

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6 Tips to Aid Your Pet’s Mobility
6 Ways to Help Your Pet With Mobility Issues

6 Tips to Aid Your Pet’s Mobility

We see many pets that come into North Hill Animal Hospital that have mobility issues, usually, they are older in age but we still see it in younger pets as well.

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Santa Claus is Coming… For Pets Too!
Santa Claus is Coming… For Pets Too!

Santa Claus is Coming… For Pets Too!

He’s on his way, he’s almost here. Santa will be bringing toys and treats to all the boys and girls and possibly to some dogs and cats very soon.

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The Knee Cap Rule
The Knee Cap Rule

The Knee Cap Rule

One of the ways to help prevent build up of plaque which holds bacteria and will eventually turn into the dreaded tartar, is to offer our dogs hard things to chew on.

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Bad Breath in Pets
Bad Breath in Pets

Bad Breath in Pets

I love my dogs and cats especially because of all the kisses (licks) I get. Recently there has been a smell left on my hands where I have been licked.

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New Treatment Tool for Canine Epilepsy
New Treatment Tool for Canine Epilepsy

New Treatment Tool for Canine Epilepsy

This January at the North American Veterinary Conference Purina revealed their new therapeutic diet, Neurocare.

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Reminiscing on Declaw Surgery for Cats
Reminiscing on Declaw Surgery for Cats

Reminiscing on Declaw Surgery for Cats

I have been practising for 33 years now and have learned a lot during that time. I have and continue to meet great pets with their equally great humans.

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Brain Development
Brain Development

Brain Development

Puppies and kittens are, I must admit, my favorite part of practice. Seeing these cute little bundles of energy for the first time always makes me smile.

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Tips for Litter Box Placement
Tips for Litter Box Placement

Tips for Litter Box Placement

We have three cats at home. We love them dearly. Their bathroom habits are good and that is because we have followed the recommendations of the AAFP.

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